About Us

Family is the of everything we do.

We are a family owned and operated facility. We have been members of the Branch and Hillsdale county communities for three generations and passionate about cannabis for just about as long.

We have decades of cannabis experience behind us, starting in the 80s with our own backyard guerilla growing. Through the years we have learned, experimented, and perfected our cannabis hobby into our storefront located in Reading, Michigan.

Our entry into the legal cannabis market began with Michigan’s patient-caregiver program following medical legalization in 2008. As caregivers, we took in patients who wanted to use cannabis to manage symptoms from some of the worst ailments and improve their quality of life. Our passion became much more rewarding.

The decade following legal medical cannabis brought vast change in Michigan. Voters approved Proposal 1 to legalize adult use (recreational) cannabis and the state accelerated the move away from the patient-caregiver system to a provisioning center model.

With what cash we could scrape up and an unbreakable spirit we went through a multi-year licensing and startup process fraught with barriers and bureaucracy.

Despite some setbacks, we were determined to open our doors. We welcomed our first medical patients on May 10, 2019. We welcomed our first recreational customers on January 17, 2020.

We pride ourselves on offering quality cannabis at an affordable price. Visit us and let us share our passion for the good that cannabis can do!